Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leopard and Tiger Cub Donuts

Leopard Donut

 "Do you think a Leopard donut would look weird?" I asked the one of the shop guys in the fabric store. "Yeah, I think it would", he replied. I bought the leopard patterned faux fur fabric anyway as curiosity got the better of me.

One week later I was in John Lewis buying more leopard fabric and this time tiger patterned fur too. While I was waiting in the queue to pay an Indian lady, two customers away from me reached to stroke the faux furs I had in my arms.  "What will you make with these?"she asked me eagerly.

"Ermm...". I hesitated for a moment, because I was wondering how I should answer.

"What will you make with these?" she asked me again with a big smile, still stroking my fabrics.

"A Leopard Donut", I stated, observing their reactions. 

The Indian woman looking puzzled, retracted her arm and turned around politely.
"Random", replied the lady between me and the Indian woman. 
 And no further questions were asked. :)

A basket full of Leopard and Tiger Cub Donuts

Quite some time ago, Francesco suggestion I use animal furs for something but nothing really came to mind. Then a couple of weeks ago I decided to try it out with a little donut.  The first one to be born was a Leopard, the second was a Tiger. I am waiting patiently for some new faux furs I ordered a couple of weeks ago. There is definitely a feline theme here....

Donut parts all ready

Tiger Cub Donut

Tiger Cub Donut, from behind

Fluffy little ears

Soft furry tail

Leopard and Tiger Cub Donut

 These new donuts are available on my Etsy shop - Go to shop

Stuff You, Nicole

Nicole and Her Stuff You

 Meet Nicole! She requested a Stuff You order of herself in the style of Alice, the game character.

Dark Alice

 I began with a sketch. I wanted to capture as many of this character's details.

The designs

Ready for a dress

Making clothes is tricky already, making small clothes is even trickier!!

I even managed to find a silver horseshoe pendant, but it doesn't hang upside down like it does on Alice. Perhaps this will bring Nicole good luck! :)

The apron has little pockets and the boots are even removable.

Stuff You Nicole completed!

From behind


There is always a feeling of fear that a Stuff You will not go well. It is always challenging to create a new and one off piece based on someone, but also a little scary!

I was nervous and excited when I presented Nicole with her Stuff You. Fortunately, Nicole loved it!

Here are Stephanie and Nicole with their SukiSuki orders. They were in London for a weekend trip and it was a pleasure to meet them!